Perception and practice of junk food consumption among undergraduate students in a medical university in Chengalpattu District”
Junk foods are defined as processed foods with negligible nutrient value and are often high in salt, sugar, and fat. Junk foods with high sugar content deplete energy levels and the ability to concentrate for extended periods, especially for college students who are forced to consume junk food to curb their hunger as it gives them a sense of pleasure. Due to low prices and affordability, they consume junk food as an alternative to home food.
This was a cross-sectional study carried out among undergraduate medical college students in the Chengalpattu district by systematic random sampling. A semi-structured questionnaire which was framed after reviewing similar works of literature was used to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding junk food consumption. The collected data were entered into MS Excel and analyzed using SPSS version 21. P value <0.05 was considered significant.
Of the 260 participants, 51% were males and 49% were females with a mean age of 20±2.0 years. 65% of the respondents had adequate knowledge regarding the harmful effects of junk food consumption and their BMI scores tended to be in the normal range. 45% of participants felt lethargic after consuming junk food. Chi-square revealed a statistically significant association between the student’s year of study (0.004) and their knowledge score, suggesting that the knowledge level was higher for interns.
The present study concludes that most participants had adequate knowledge of junk food consumption patterns. Nutrition counseling regarding a balanced diet and the harmful effects of junk foods may help to curb junk food addiction.

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