Awareness among Black British adults in London of the importance of diet and physical activity on the occurrence of non-communicable diseases
Objectives: To investigate the level of awareness of non-communicable diseases (NCD) among first and second-generation migrant Black Africans and Caribbeans residing in London; their perceptions on the link between diet and NCDs; and the challenges they face regarding food choices, dietary change, and physical activity.
Design: A mixed methodology study. The quantitative data were collected using a survey questionnaire on socio-demographic factors and awareness of NCD (n= 42). The qualitative phase involved key informant interviews (n=10) and 2 focus group discussions (n=18) and data were thematically analysed.
Results: High level of awareness of NCD and factors that increase their risk, as well as how important healthy dietary choices are to reduce the risk of NCDs were observed. Most respondents reported changing their diet in the UK to one that is at times unhealthy. This was particularly due to acculturation and issues related to access and affordability of traditional foods. Some of the challenges expressed in making healthy food choices included the high cost of healthy food and hi of food from their home countries, the time to cook and shop for and eat healthy food, and lack of good quality food that is accessible and affordable.
Conclusions: While more needs to be done to identify challenges to healthy eating, physical activity and create enabling environments for ethinic minority families to improve their work-life balance and their ability to adopt a healthy lifestyle, there is a clear need for interventions culturally tailored to the needs of these populations in the UK.

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