Rethinking Australia’s role in international co-operation for the Sustainable Development Goals: Towards transformative horizontal partnerships through triangular co-operation
Despite progress in various areas of development, rates of food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty remain high. Additional environmental pressures such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and environmental degradation continue to disproportionately impact those who are most vulnerable. Inclusive models of co-operative action, as emphasised in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, are valued for their potential to solve development challenges, promote sustainable development outcomes, and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. International co-operation policy plays a crucial role in shaping how these international partnerships play out in practice. Over the several decades, the international development co-operation landscape has been shifting with a push for more ‘horizontal’ partnerships. Triangular co-operation is a potential model of partnership that embraces inclusivity and horizontality and is seen as a means to achieve the sustainable development agenda. In Australia, the election of a new federal government in May 2022 brought with it a renewed commitment to official development assistance and development co-operation policy and partnerships. The aim of this commentary is to take stock, pause, and reflect on how Australia currently ‘does development partnerships’ as well as looking to the future and the opportunities for change.

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