Food industry responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: public health or public relations?
Introduction: The study's objective was to identify and analyse the responses of food industry actors in Brazil to the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted a qualitative analysis of information available in the public domain and published between 1 March and 30 September 2020.
Results: The actions of the food industry in Brazil during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic primarily focused on the donation of medical equipment, hygiene and food products, including ultra-processed foods, and the provision of advice and information about COVID-19, with no oversight from health bodies. Food industry actors also promoted their actions to care for their workers' health and other needs.
Conclusions: In the context of a global crisis causing enormous disruption in people's lives, the involvement of different actors in the response to the pandemic may have been helpful in the short term. However, these actions could also have resulted in negative public health consequences if they were, in reality, driven by a search for profits.

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