Evaluation of MUAC as a tool for assessing nutritional status during pregnancy (>20 weeks of gestation) in Delhi India
The present study was conducted to assess the usefulness of MUAC as a screening tool to assess nutritional status during pregnancy (>20 weeks). Pregnant women (>20 weeks of gestation, n=100) were enrolled from tertiary care ANC clinics in urban areas of Delhi. Data on socio-demographic profile was collected using pre-tested questionnaires. The blood pressure and anthropometric parameters (weight, height and MUAC) were recorded. The mean height, weight and MUAC of pregnant women were 152.15 ± 4.93cm, 56.7 ± 6.7Kgs and 25.5 ± 2.60cm respectively. Weight gain between trimesters and overall weight gain showed no correlation with blood pressure. Maternal weight was positively correlated with MUAC (p=0.00), SBP (p=0.006) and DBP (p=0.02). Maternal height was negatively correlated with MUAC (p=0.012). BMI and MUAC showed a significantly positive correlation (p=0.00), which indicates the versatility of this tool. However, no association was observed between MUAC and blood pressure during pregnancy in the present study.

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