Antibiotic treatment in infants
effect on the gastro-intestinal microbiome and long-term consequences
The gastrointestinal microbiome is crucial for the development of a balanced immune system. Antibiotics are frequently administered to infants and cause intestinal dysbiosis. Dysbiosis, also called dysbacteriosis, is a term for a microbial imbalance or maladaptation on or inside the body, such as an impaired gastro-intestinal microbiota. The necessity of administration of antibiotics should be well thought through because of short-term adverse effects such as antibiotic associated-diarrhea. This narrative review highlights the long-term health consequences of antibiotic administration to infants and young children, including overweight, inflammatory bowel syndrome, and allergic disease.
Conclusion: The pros and cons of antibiotic administration to infants and young children should be carefully weighed.

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