We start with reasons why it is time to stop relentless reckless ruthless 'progress' based on scale, speed, growth, force and war, depicted above in 'Instruments of Power' by Thomas Hart Benton. Then good news. Shahani Shresta reports on agroecology in Nepal. Then bad news. Felipe Neves reports on the Brazilian Rio Doce environmental catastrophe. Then hopeful news. Sara Garduño-Diaz reports from France, China and Turkey on ways to stop wasting food. Then big news. Geoffrey Cannon reports on Big Sugar power politics in the Americas and proposes a global tax to protect workers as well as consumers.
This century From World Nutrition to Nourish Geoffrey Cannon
Agroecology. Nepal Real farmers must be resilient Shahani Shresta
Public goods. Pollution, Brazil The sweet river is poisoned Felipe Neves
Food waste, France, China, Turkey Waste not, want not Sara Garduño-Diaz
Sugar. Taxation The cost, price and value of sugar Geoffrey Cannon

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