Maternal socio-demographic characteristics as correlates to nutritional status of under-five children: Multivariate regression model approach
All ages require nutritious food to grow, but children, especially those under the age of five, have a greater need for it -- for growth and development of essential organs and tissues. It is evident that under-five malnutrition is prevalent in sub-Sahara Africa and Nigeria in particular. Determining the correlates of nutritional status will play a vital role in combating malnutrition. Common indicators that are used to estimate nutritional status have discrepancies in their correlations with determinants of nutritional status, hence there is a need to adopt a model that could employ multiple indicators simultaneously. This study adopted a descriptive design among 227 <5 children whose mother was attending immunization at Onueke, Ebonyi State. Maternal socio-demographic characteristics as well as their anthropometrics were obtained z scores of the weight-for-age, BMI-for-age and height-for-age and MUAC served as indicators of nutritional status. Stunting, thinness, underweight and risk of malnutrition (based on low MUAC) were respectively 43.6%, 45.6%, 45.3% and 49.3%. Based on a multivariate regression model, the only maternal characteristic, correlating with low height for age was being in a polygamous marriage. Low weight for age was associated with younger mothers (age 15-24), those who were farmers, and those with less than high incomes. Low BMI for age was associated with not having a secondary school education and being a farmer or trader. Risk of low MUAC was not associated with any of these maternal characteristics. When all measures of nutritional status were combined, low nutritional status was linked to all measured maternal characteristics except marital status (single, married, divorced). Thus, to bridge discrepancies that may exist when different nutritional status indicators are used, it is recommended that a multivariate regression model which uses multiple indicators simultaneously be adopted to determined significant maternal characteristics that correlated with nutritional status.

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